Prompted by a few of my client’s requests, a couple of weeks ago I began to offer a treatment I call a “Holistic Detox”. It seemed totally fitting for this time of year with 2012 ending at the same time as one Age ending and a New Age beginning.
The most powerful way to enter into something new is to complete on what is old and clear out what is outdated and unnecessary. Simple but not always easy, right? Also Clearing out your Wardrobe might be simple but how do you “Clear out your Emotional Closet” or your Collection of Beliefs or Mental Constructs?
Here are my tips for “Holistic” Detoxing
1) Get Clear that on a holistic level there is no “getting rid of” or “throwing out” of emotions beliefs or energy! If you are ONE WITH EVERYTHING there is nowhere to “empty” things out to! You could say you are the Valuable items, the Rubbish and the Bin you put it in!
2) Given what’s above Holistic Detox must mean something other than just getting rid of things we think are toxic. I mean Altering the State or location of physical, emotional and conceptual energy: That is Clearing things from where they have become Less useful, stuck or overly significant and allowing them to flow to the next “state”
3) Start with “Truth”(Connected to the back of the Head and the spine) If you have a fixed relationship to Truth eg. it is something that exists somewhere or it is constant or unknown, The rest of your energy forms around this core energy. Try out freeing up “what truth is” allow it to be something that can Change i.e. What was true yesterday may not be true tomorrow or “What is true in one part of life may not be in another”.
4) Explore the Space between Emotional and Conceptual extremes: often energy becomes toxic simply because there is too much of a particular type e.g. Too much “Strength” makes a muscle or a mind over challenging, confrontational and eventually inflexible. On the other hand too much flexibility ends up with a person always fitting around others, adjusting where they stand and even selling out on what they really believe. The space BETWEEN strength and flexibility allows space for strength to flow in when needed and flexiblilty to flow in when required.
5) Remember there is nothing energetically that you are obligated to carry into the future! People walk away from Jobs, relationships, responsibilities and life threatening illnesses every day. Once you realise that just because HAVE something in your life or your body you do not HAVE to suffer from IT New relationships to that “thing” can be created. 1I gave up suffering from hangovers this way after a rather boozy Stag Weekend in my twenties!
6) A toxic relationship to something, food for example often includes always associating a feeling or action to said thing . An example is having to feel guilt (held around the shoulders) after eating something, or relating to wanting ( lower back and abdomen) like wanting chocolate, and eating it, as inevitable. Break the cycle by imagining things you hate made of things you like eg. your mother-in-law made of your favourite food! Also practice feeling guilty without eating the chocolate or eating a small piece when you are not craving it to break the emotional cycle represented by satisfying a craving.
7) Make a list of three concepts or words you relate to yourself as e.g. tall, short, thin, fat, old, young, clever, stupid etc. Then each week notice how many times you experience yourself as the opposite of how you think of yourself ( held around the head and the solar plexus). For example if you think you are small, experience yourself from the perspective of a 2 year old, or an insect.
8) Notice how much you use words like “Ex”, “Never” ,”Always”, “Usually” or “Normally” for example “my ex girlfriend” “my normal way of reacting is”… Energetically they are the equivalent of superglue or train tracks for your thought processes and energy! If you do not use them start doing so to remind you there is a pattern or rule ( relates to the forehead and upper chest) that could be broken if you chose to. If you use them often try introducing the words “sometimes” “mostly” or “rarely”. The energy of these words has the ability to allow you to recollect past evidence that goes against the overbearing idea, in effect promoting level headed ness rather than a mind already made up.
Let me know what you experience using these tips at or on my Facebook page
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